What a fun to be a bee! Flitting from flower to flower. Gathering nectar. Aware of the importance of this for the whole of nature! Don’t call me honey, I’m a honey bee!
Try this beautiful little bees joined with other tattoos from the new collection by Ducky Street. Spread joy and happiness around you! No one is allergic to this kind of pollen!
Designed by Olga Angelloz
Tattoo set Honey bee comes with note section to write your own message on the tattoo back paper, so you can use it as Honey bee greeting card, Fun to bee one birthday party invitation or Spelling bee contest thank you card
Tattoo sheet size - 15x21 cm
Comes in trasparent bag
Skin safe and non toxic, made with professional combined technology temporary tattoos
Lasting on average 2-4 days
Easy to use